Travel Advisory – Less Baggage Is Better

My traveling companion's luggage revealed the depth of his experience…a small bag for two weeks in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. I asked him to share his strategy for traveling so lightly. He said, "I take everything out of my bag after each trip. If I did not...


Lately, while trying to lose some excess weight, I have had to choose not to eat when hungry. Tragically many around the world experience hunger pangs without the option to be filled. For these people the true pain of hunger sets in. With respect for those who are...

Misplaced Confidence

While watching a uniformed man purposefully waving a flag from the roof of our hotel in India, my wife, Pamela, confidently exclaimed, "I am sure it is a Hindu ritual!" Forcefully and with a stubborn confidence I responded, "No! I am sure the flag...

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics finds its living proof in my life! This law states: All of life's processes manifest a tendency toward decay and disintegration with a net increase in entropy – the state of randomness and disorder. Yes, my life exhibits this...

Joyful competition?

Competition – the rivalry for supremacy is a great joy to me. Whether a basketball game or a golf match…winning is everything – is it not?! But the joy is oh so brief. Then I must move on to the next competition – so much effort for a few...