by marshal | Mar 27, 2008 | Confession, Lessons Learned
Everywhere I turn there seem to be smart people making foolish choices. What is happening? As I look more closely, foolish choices don’t seem to escape me either. Recent scandals have led television commentators to ask, “Why do people do bad and foolish...
by marshal | Mar 20, 2008 | Lessons Learned, Stewardship
As a teenager, sitting on a tractor day in and day out, I learned to appreciate the difficulty of a planted seed maturing to harvested fruit. There were many challenges in the maturation process – from weather, to weeds, to me! (Once I drove off the path,...
by marshal | Mar 13, 2008 | Lessons Learned, Purity
As I was driving, the radio talk show host was encouraging his listeners to call in words not commonly used. A word that came to my mind was “murmur”– a mumbled expression of discontent. Although I rarely hear this word spoken, I suppose that a...
by marshal | Mar 6, 2008 | Competence, Lessons Learned
I hopped in a taxi last week to discover that my cab driver was from Kosovo. Knowing the turmoil of that region I said, “Isn’t it sad that there is so much difficulty and suffering in the world?” The cabbie gently rebuked me with these words....
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