by marshal | Apr 22, 2010 | Competence, Lessons Learned
"Do you hear that noise?" my Uncle Sam asked. I could not hear anything, but when I listened carefully, I heard a faint clicking sound. "Your car is always talking to you… listen carefully, Bob." – wise advice for a young boy from his...
by marshal | Apr 15, 2010 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
When it comes to the issue of abundance, my mind automatically shifts to thoughts of material possessions – money, houses, and cars. This is rather embarrassing because I would want people to believe that I might think of loftier things to accumulate, such as:...
by marshal | Apr 1, 2010 | Lessons Learned, Stewardship
"Unfortunately, the Information Age does little to encourage the development of wisdom." "If we are not alert, the Information Age may stunt our growth and create a permanent puberty of the mind." These quotes from the book Flickering Pixels: How...
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