by marshal | Oct 27, 2011 | Competence, Lessons Learned
I am tired! Recent medical issues coupled with much international travel and ministry have left me spent in body, mind and spirit. Both my human inclinations and my personality dictate that I press on into my many responsibilities, ignoring my need for rest. The wise...
by marshal | Oct 20, 2011 | Lessons Learned, Truth
Walking the manicured cemetery of St. Peter's Anglican Church (St. Albans, United Kingdom) quieted my spirit. Graves of departed saints surrounded the entire church. Their headstones shared departing thoughts: "Entered into rest"...
by marshal | Oct 13, 2011 | Confession, Lessons Learned
Scientific research shows that when I forgive I will be happier and healthier. (Robert Enright Ph.D., International Forgiveness Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison) Studies by Dr. Fred Laskin at Stanford University also indicate that forgiveness can be learned...
by marshal | Oct 6, 2011 | Competence, Lessons Learned
I often refer to greatness by acknowledging great accomplishments and wonderful deeds of kindness. I could list for you my accomplishments and acts of kindnesses which would cause me to well up with notions of greatness. But time spent with Jesus quickly dispels my...
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