by marshal | Sep 26, 2013 | Lessons Learned
Waiting is an anathema to me. A long check-out line in the grocery store or a line at the ATM machine causes me great angst. My mother once told me that cooking was not to be my life's work because the culinary arts required patience. And yet the famous last lines...
by marshal | Sep 19, 2013 | Lessons Learned
"[Many foreign] students who come to the United States for their college education are affluent and privileged. This special status has numbed their spiritual appetites. Only when crisis comes, and it will, does the spiritual hunger return." This observation...
by marshal | Sep 12, 2013 | Importance, Lessons Learned
I love reading daily newspapers to keep abreast of the current affairs of the world. In addition, sports scores and summaries bring me great pleasure. In reading from the world's point of view and in my desire to be relevant, danger can be lurking — becoming...
by marshal | Sep 5, 2013 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
I am tired! Recent medical issues coupled with much international travel and ministry have left me spent in body, mind and spirit. Both my human inclinations and my personality dictate that I press on into my many responsibilities, ignoring my need for rest. The wise...
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