by marshal | Sep 25, 2014 | Competence, Lessons Learned, Love, Stewardship
Collecting has always been a part of my nature. As a boy, I used my paper route earnings to collect coins and antiques. Books and papers were cherished and accumulated in piles. Throwing things away has always been hard. This has been an annoyance for those who have...
by marshal | Sep 18, 2014 | Competence, Lessons Learned, Love, Purity
Studying leadership over the years, I have read books by people like Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker, John Maxwell, and others. I learned such things as 7 habits, 5 principles and multiple guidelines which helped shape my thoughts about leadership. At a time of...
by marshal | Sep 15, 2014 | Uncategorized, Washburn
“Lack of clarity leads to mistakes, disagreements about prioritization, it leads to sitting in interminable meetings…lack of clarity of purpose is extremely demotivating.” – Justin Rosenstein Co-founder, Asana. Some time ago I was struggling...
by marshal | Sep 11, 2014 | Lessons Learned
I often say, "Please forgive me" so glibly that I give little thought to the deep suffering my words or actions may have caused others and the resulting cost of forgiveness required of that person. This glib attitude is captured in my thoughts or words which...
by marshal | Sep 9, 2014 | Washburn
As you are starting your semester, it is easy to view your homework (or work in general) as being something that is a drag on life. I used to find myself thinking, “if I could just get through this, then someday I will get to doing something important.”...
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