lists 27,787 books on leadership – a popular topic. When I typed in "follow" or "following" only 136 books appeared. These numbers reflect what society believes is needed to impact the world – strong leaders. Apparently not much thought is given to following.

Of course, strong leadership is essential for all of society whether at home, at work, or in government. However the greatest of leaders, Jesus, would suggest differently – being a good follower is necessary to impact the world for God.

At the beginning and the end of His ministry on earth, Jesus gave simple instructions. "Follow me." Answering this call from Jesus:

  • Begins with commitment (Mark 1:18, Luke 5:11 and 2 Chronicles 16:9)
  • Is motivated by love (John 21:17-19)
  • Is demonstrated by obedience (I John 2:5-6)

Twelve disciples without the aid of radio, television, the internet or iPods turned the world upside down. All they possessed were TRANSFORMED HEARTS – committed, loving and obedient. They simply followed Jesus.

Join me in this journey to follow Him – a God who calls saying simply, "Follow Me."


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder