A debate is in progress in academic circles about the dangers of multi-tasking—Is it harmful to my well-being, to my productivity and to my tranquility? As an emergency physician, my ability to perform my duties required multi-tasking. However, there were times in the ER when focusing on just one task was crucial. I do not think mono-tasking or multi-tasking can be looked at from the perspective of “either/or”.

Jesus, although a great multi-tasker himself, knew that at times only one thing mattered. He said to Martha,

There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her. Luke 10:42 NLT

Dinner, hospitality, and hard work, of course, matter. But in that moment, time with Jesus mattered more.

Life is full of many activities, pressures and distractions. Yet I am reminded that there are times when my focus should be on one thing only—Jesus.

Will you join me in pursuing a sensitivity to those moments when a single focus makes a difference?


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder