Spreading manure was a job I actually enjoyed while working on a farm as a boy. I know you think I am crazy, but I didn’t even mind the smell. Fertilizer is important but rarely appreciated. It contains much needed potassium nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements necessary to produce good fruit. Emphasis on the cultivating and sowing often overshadows the importance of a good application of fertilizer.

Jesus talked about the importance of producing fruit for the Kingdom of God. After teaching on the parable of the tenants, Jesus closes with these words,

Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. (Matthew 21:43 NIV) 

This is a startling comment. Jesus suggests that our spiritual crop yield is vitally important. Is spiritual fertilizer necessary in yielding good crops? What is spiritual fertilizer? I believe that it contains ingredients of repentance, forgiveness and mercy – ingredients that are sometimes hard and "smelly". But when spread liberally on the soul’s soil yield abundant fruit of love, joy and peace.

Join me this week, investing in good fertilizer.


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder