Is Testing Good For My Faith?

The journey to becoming an emergency physician was long and arduous, filled with many tests. The most challenging tests were during residency training where the integration of head knowledge met headlong with practical application. Could I put into practice what I...

Why Is It Important To Watch The Whole Movie?

Sometimes I judge a movie by its title, by the opinions of others, or by watching the trailer. I never really know the movie however, until I have actually seen it. Sometimes I find that people make judgments about God the same way – from the title...

Do My Words Really Matter?

Why do words carry such significance? I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words will you be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Matthew 12:26-27 ESV Assuming responsibility for...

What About Those Moments of Silence?

It is easier to communicate that I am a Christ-follower in a taxi cab than in a conversation at my medical university where, at opportune moments, silence is my choice. Why, in certain circumstances, am I hesitant to risk? Is it embarrassment? Is it fear of looking...

What Distracts Me As I Follow Jesus?

The story of Jesus' visit to the home of Martha and Mary has often troubled me. Maybe that is because I identify with Martha. Being a Type A, goal-oriented person concerned with outcomes, impact, and metrics this story seems harsh on anyone trying to get work...