The Paradox of the Invisible and the Visible

God tells me that the invisible is as real as the visible. As a scientist I struggle to believe in things I cannot see, touch or measure. But the invisible is actually very real and is the essence of my faith. Living a life of faith means not knowing where I am going...

Meekness Versus Impertinence

Rarely do I hear people talk about the desire for meekness. Rarely do I hear a sermon on meekness. And rarely do I think about it. Yet Jesus tells me, Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5 NIV)  So what is meekness? It feels like a...

Full of Myself or Full of God

I desperately want to be a man after God's own heart. Early in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand and my Bible in my lap it all seems so possible. Then my day begins. Harsh words, hurt feelings…and I haven't even left home yet! By noon I just want...

Love of Power versus Power of Love

A battle wages within me daily — the love of power or the power of love? The winner of this battle determines how I live my life in relationships. Loving power often yields results burdened with hurt relationships. Power, in human terms, requires control that is...

Faith Versus Sight

A battle wages within me daily — What to believe? Should I trust only what I can see — the visibly obvious? Or can I trust what I cannot see — by faith? I know what I can see. My actions which produce tangibly visible results are endorsed by my...