As a teenage boy, I worked on a farm. Each morning we gathered at the farmer’s home and received our daily instructions. He knew in what fields to work, what seeds to plant, and the timing. Obedience to the farmer’s instructions yielded cultivated fields, planted seeds and finally a harvest.
My work for God is similar; His knowledge is greater than the farmer’s. I would do well to obey His instructions. He not only knows what I should do, but empowers me to do it. Just as obedience to the farmer bears fruit, how many more times does obedience to God bear fruit in my life.
Jesus instructs me,
I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)
Will you join me in the hard work of listening carefully for God’s instructions and begin the diligent labor?
Sharing the journey with you,
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