Rest For My Soul

I am in one of those seasons where I need rest for my soul. It seems everywhere I turn I am facing problems and turmoil. What to do? Seeking counsel from those who offer peace and rest often falls short. Where to turn? In one of His prayers, Jesus offers the...

Do as I Say Not as I Do

Sometimes in the emergency room I gave advice that I did not keep myself.  Shame on me! However, giving advice and not living it out is not restricted to medicine. In the account of Jesus teaching to the crowds in the presence of the teachers of the religious law...


Tenderness is not an often sought after virtue. In fact, the dictionary defines it in terms of weakness. Actually, godly tenderness is strength at its fullest. When seen and experienced, tenderness is rarely interpreted in negative terms.   Yet words do not...


But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV   The apostle Paul realized even in the first century that life had a way of...


What to do? More than a decade ago, life’s circumstances seemed beyond hope with multiple devastating long-term medical issues in our family. I was full of despair.  As a physician, I felt so helpless because I could not fix these issues. I was tired and...