
Do I keep the framed blown-up picture of me in my diapers catching a ball or do I throw it away? What about the Christmas bookmark made in 3rd grade Sunday School? Discard or keep – a recent move has left me with some curious decisions. Amazing how hard it is to...

Smart People, Foolish Choices

Everywhere I turn there seem to be smart people making foolish choices. What is happening? As I look more closely, foolish choices don’t seem to escape me either. Recent scandals have led television commentators to ask, “Why do people do bad and foolish...

The Ministry of Faultfinding

In literature classes during my college days, I was taught to analyze the works of great authors. At times, however, it seemed as if I was encouraged to search for and find fault with literary giants. As a non-literary giant, this was humorous to me. I had not yet...

So Easy….the Life of Hypocrisy

Years ago, late at night, a fistfight began just outside of my college dorm room. As I opened the door, I was surprised to see the president of the campus Peace Society with his fists flying. My mind wandered to his eloquent expressions of his passion for peace. I...

Security Guaranteed

Security checks on my frequent travels – on planes, trains, and underground metros around the world – are a constant reminder of the importance of good security. I am grateful for the security efforts. But more than occasionally, I wonder if some of the...

Don’t Lose Heart

Discouragement comes so quickly to me. Looking at the sad state of world affairs makes me wonder, “Is there any hope?” Staring daily at the pile on my desk representing important tasks can also cause me to wonder, “Is there any hope for...