by marshal | Sep 26, 2019 | Importance, Lessons Learned, Patience
Sometimes I fail to see God when circumstances don't live up to my expectations. Instead of looking for God, I have been known to whine and complain. An elderly Hungarian friend demonstrated a better way. He arrived at my office for a special event on the wrong...
by marshal | Sep 24, 2019 | Attitude, Love, Patience
Often as I leave for work my wife will say to me, “Be a blessing”. Her words indicate her great expectations for me that day. I leave with the opportunity to bestow gifts of mercy, love and favor. However my inclination is to return in kind what I receive...
by marshal | May 23, 2019 | Patience, Self-Control
The song “Change my heart, O Lord; make me ever new” is occasionally sung in my prayers much differently, “Change my life circumstances, O Lord; make me more comfortable”. It would seem so much simpler for the difficult situations of my life to...
by marshal | May 16, 2019 | Patience
I am an impatient man. I made a career choice that only encouraged my impatience. The atmosphere of immediacy in emergency medicine intensified my unwillingness to wait. Practicing patience has been an issue since I was a young boy. My mother said that cooking was not...
by marshal | Nov 29, 2018 | Lessons Learned, Patience
"You will never be a great cook until you can learn patience." These words from my mother reveal two things about me: I have a tendency to be impatient and I have never been a good cook. During my bachelor days, the most important culinary tool was a...
by marshal | Nov 1, 2018 | Importance, Lessons Learned, Patience, Prayer, Surrender
When trouble comes I am so prone to look to myself or to others for answers. The end of that journey is often frustration and anger. My mentor in Hungary – a wise gentleman who had known suffering, JenÅ‘ Barátossy – often said to me, "When the...
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