Following the King

Everyone is a follower. A speaker once told me that even leaders are followers. The critical issue is asking the question, "Who or what am I following?" Increasingly, people have begun to refer to themselves as followers of Jesus rather than Christians. I am...

Creating Space for Those Whom I Love

Another missed dinner. Life in the emergency department was often frantic. Creating time and space for my beloved Pamela, Emily, Julia and Catherine was difficult… and at times just did not happen. Loving my family required a discipline of setting apart a time...

Strangers in the Land

I find new foreign foods and unusual customs a fun adventure. Yet while traveling internationally, my thoughts are never far from home. Although people make me feel welcome in their countries, two of the many things that make me feel like a stranger are my tastes and...

Laboring to Rest

I have often been evaluated for the quantity and quality of my work but I have never been evaluated for the quantity and quality of my rest. Rest does not come easily for me! My personality, occupation and culture all seem to work against seeking rest. More disturbing...

Knowing is Not Enough

I was so impressed listening to U. S. Senate chaplain, Dr. Dick Halverson, speak at my college graduation that I hoped to someday meet him. Years later, my friend Russ Cadle, kept telling me about someone he knew and admired – Dick Halverson. Then I met...


I dislike the contemporary culture that breeds a sense of entitlement UNLESS I am the one receiving the entitlement. Actually, I get frustrated when I don't get what I want as if I am entitled to certain things or situations. When I get what I want, I am smug;...