Gasping for air!

Gasping for air! I can still see the anxious faces of children with respiratory disease being rushed into my emergency department. Their fear-filled gazes expressed their urgent need for oxygen as they noisily labored to breathe. Often the quick application of a...


Lately, while trying to lose some excess weight, I have had to choose not to eat when hungry. Tragically many around the world experience hunger pangs without the option to be filled. For these people the true pain of hunger sets in. With respect for those who are...

Who Can You Trust?

Who can you trust anymore? I struggle to find leaders in whom I can place my trust. But I am apparently not alone. An article in the September issue of the Harvard Business Review entitled "The Decision to Trust" says, "surveys have shown that 80% of...


Lately I have become more aware of my problems with listening. Listening is an "other" focused activity and I am basically self-centered. Listening takes work and practice. Listening is NOT reacting, talking or thinking of a response. Rather listening...

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah

Before leaving for a trip I usually print out internet driving instructions. For whatever reason, I had not followed my normal routine. Soon I was asking, "Where am I?" and "How do I get to my destination?" After much effort, I found someone who...