Travel Lightly

Travel lightly! These are wise words that have become increasingly real to me as my travel has multiplied. The airlines tell me that I may check two pieces of baggage, not to exceed 70 pounds each. When I travel with what is allowed, however, I experience: fatigue and...


Beepers – those electronic devices that emit a signal or vibration when paged. I remember the first time I acquired one; it was day one of my medical residency training. I must confess I felt important carrying a beeper. That illusion quickly vanished when that...


"What have you learned since you have been freed from the yoke of communism?" I asked. My friend answered, "The lesson I have learned is how easy it is to forget." He went on to say, "It is like taking a shower. If all you have is cold water,...

Submit to authority?

"Bob, please clean your room." These words made me cringe. I wanted to defy my parents. Submission to authority was not a character trait for which I yearned, even when it was the loving, nurturing and protective authority of my parents. We seem to have a...

Who has time to think?

When is there time to think? The day in the office begins – work to do, telephone calls to answer, people dropping by the office. Taking time to ponder is not written into my schedule. That is why I love the early morning hours – quiet with no...