Seeing Christmas Clearly

I can still remember the first time I looked under a microscope. The excitement that moment generated helped to solidify my lifelong interest in the sciences. In elementary school, my teacher had scraped the surface of a table onto a slide and placed the slide under...

An Attitude of Gratitude

The driver of the shuttle bus to the airport, Kevin, was a delightfully engaging man. He shared that he was a computer programmer but was driving parking lot shuttles since he had lost his job for the second time due to the technology industry collapse. His words and...

Too Many Choices!

Walking into the convenience store in the early morning reveals much about our world — scores of people with a mission to fill cups with their favorite flavored coffee, grab a donut or two, and maybe a pack of cigarettes to start the day. Multitudes of people...

The Object of Our Faith

"My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus blood and righteousness" The words of this classic hymn express an important concept — that the object of our faith is its defining characteristic. Our faith is in God through a personal relationship with...

Rhythms of Life

Rhythm is not only found in music, but in all of life. Medically, our bodies exhibit this quality in virtually every organ system of our body. For example, the daily light-dark cycle governs rhythmic changes in our behavior and physiology. Studies have found that...


What bores us? Is it the uninteresting, tedious activity that we all regularly encounter? Is it certain types of people, events or media? In this age of entertainment, I am easily prone to adopt the prevalent mindset that it is the responsibility of others to amuse or...