by marshal | Jun 18, 2015 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
I have just finished a wonderful week filled with specific answers to prayer. Praise God. I am filled with gratitude. Even so I find myself awake at 3 am borrowing future worries for present consumption. How can this be? God has proven Himself faithful and yet again I...
by marshal | Jun 11, 2015 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
Waiting is an anathema to me. A long check-out line in the grocery store or a line at the ATM machine causes me great angst. My mother once told me that cooking was not to be my life's work because the culinary arts required patience. And yet the famous last lines...
by marshal | Mar 19, 2015 | Lessons Learned, Priorities
It is easier to communicate that I am a Christ follower in a taxi cab than in a conversation at my medical university where, at opportune moments, silence is my choice. Why, in certain circumstances, am I hesitant to risk? Is it embarrassment? Is it fear of looking...
by marshal | Mar 12, 2015 | Lessons Learned, Priorities, Surrender
The story of Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha and Mary has often troubled me. Maybe that is because I identify with Martha. Being a type A, goal oriented person concerned with outcomes, impact and metrics, this story seems harsh on anyone trying to get...
by marshal | Jan 29, 2015 | Importance, Lessons Learned, Priorities
I am a results oriented guy! Give me a goal or challenge me to do something and I will respond. Pursuing results is often exciting but can at times mislead me. William Bruce Cameron in his 1963 text “Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological...
by marshal | Oct 9, 2014 | Lessons Learned, Priorities, Stewardship
Is there any way to describe the pace of modern life other than – crazy busy? We live in a 24 hour society with non-stop opportunity to eat, drink and be entertained. I need more discipline than ever to rest and find solitude. As always Jesus provides a model...
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