Travel Advisory – Less Baggage Is Better

My traveling companion's luggage revealed the depth of his experience…a small bag for two weeks in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. I asked him to share his strategy for traveling so lightly. He said, "I take everything out of my bag after each trip. If I did not...

Spiritual Clothing

As a young boy, visits from my maternal grandparents were infrequent but much anticipated. After they visited, I could count on one of my friends saying, "Who was with you on Saturday, they looked like Amish!!" My grandparents were godly people for whom part...


“I think for Bob to stay in bed is not the easiest”. These words were emailed from a friend to my wife just after my surgery, suggesting that I do not rest well. On the outside that may appear to be true. My personality coupled with my deep love of work...

Light Through the Cracks of Brokenness

Is it possible? Contentment in the midst of financial crisis. Peace in the midst of medical catastrophe. Bravery in the midst of a dangerous situation. Tough times test what's inside this jar of clay I call my body. What I actually believe about God is revealed by...