Wake Up!

Drowsiness — It comes at the most inopportune times. My eyelids seem so heavy, I struggle to concentrate, and time practically comes to a halt. Sleep seems so inviting. A recent trip to the United Kingdom and Central Europe left me, at times, struggling to stay...

A Living Hope

I usually am not a fan of New Year's Eve celebrations. In fact, my favorite way to celebrate the holiday is a quiet family evening, a dish of my wife's lobster bisque and finding myself in bed by 10 pm. Often, as an emergency physician, I brought in the New...

The Church — a Building?

While visiting a Hungarian pastor in Budapest, he offered to give me a tour of his Lutheran church. The man spoke with grateful remembrance of the building's construction, as it had been built solely by the church members when 2,000 people attended in the early...

Dive Deeply

"Dive deeply!" This encouragement from a scuba-diving friend never took hold in my life. Although I thought about it, I remained content to snorkel instead. The time, energy and risk involved in scuba diving were too much. Diving deeply requires more than a...