He seemed so competent as he discussed his company's services via websites on his iPad. I was impressed with his quiet confidence. Over lunch, he shared the challenges of his life – a recent battle with cancer, difficulties at his office and challenges with a foster child. However, peace oozed from his life. Quickly it became apparent to me that his life was built on the rock – Jesus.

I was reminded of words from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount when He said that the only way to withstand the buffets of my life's storms is to build my house on rock. He also said that this rock was the process of hearing His words, and doing exactly what He says (Luke 6:46-49). I would do well to examine what is under my house.

  • When I build on ground ( my will, my way) fleeting happiness results in collapse and destruction (Luke 6:49)
  • When I build on rock (God's will, God's way) the house of my life remains well built and unshaken. (Luke 6:48)

Jesus said that building my life on The Rock is hard work requiring me to dig down deep.

He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. (Luke 6:48 NIV) 

Digging down deep is hard work. Will you join me this week in digging down to the rock?


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder