I enjoy strategizing and implementing plans. Years ago the process of taking a design for a new emergency department and following through until completion brought me great satisfaction. However, wrestling over adequate resources was the most challenging aspect of the project. The question that kept arising was, "Do we have enough money, people and time?"

Resources in the temporal world make a difference. Sometimes however, I get confused when translating the principles of temporal resources into the spiritual world. I occasionally think that more money, more people and more time will increase the probability of spiritual success – not so!!

In God’s economy, when He is teaching me spiritual lessons, it has to do not with more of me or my resources but more of God. Many people in the past have learned this lesson:

  • Gideon thought he needed 32,000 soldiers to defeat the enemy but with God, 300 warriors were more than enough! (Judges 7 & 8)
  • A starving widow from Zarephath found that God’s blessing of flour and oil never ran dry, trusting the Word of the Lord through the prophet, Elijah. (I Kings 17:7-16)
  • Jesus' disciples despaired in finding enough food for 5,000 thinking they needed much money to do so, but in the hands of Jesus five loaves and two fishes were more than enough. (Mark 6:30-44)

As we submit our lives and work to God we have more than enough resources to accomplish His plans.

And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder