Philadelphia has waited too long for an American football championship. However, this coming Sunday, the Philadelphia Eagles will play the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. The excitement and energy expressed by Philadelphia fans is palpable. Buying a cup of coffee at a convenience store gave me a taste of that excitement — Eagles fans dressed in their green jackets, hats, shouting and cheering. Enthusiasm was evident everywhere. As I purchased my coffee, the store clerk said to me, "I wish people had that same enthusiasm about their families and their jobs!"

The issue of enthusiasm goes much further than sports. Losing our excitement and vigor over our marriages, our families and friends, or our work has its detrimental effects. I am sure we can attest to that.

The Lord speaks of enthusiasm in our spiritual lives — that which affects all the other areas of our lives. God's revelation given to the Apostle John expressed God's distaste for lukewarmness.

He says, "I know your deeds that you are neither cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16 NIV) What a frightening thought!

I have only four more days of listening to the passionate singing and cheering for the hometown Eagles. Go E * A * G * L * E * S!! God, however, gives us a lifetime and many opportunities to find renewed freshness and vigor as we follow Jesus.

Let us ask ourselves today — "Are we hot, cold, or lukewarm?" The game-plan should be to enliven our hearts daily to God.


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder