Over the years I have read leadership books by Stephen Covey, Peter Drucker and John Maxwell. I learned 7 habits, 5 principles and multiple guidelines – all very helpful. When I need simplicity, however, I look to King David’s leadership style,

And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. (Psalm 78:72 NIV)

Two simple principles needed for leadership:

  • Integrity of heart… Christ-like character
  • Skillful hands… Competence

There is also an implied skill or attitude–that of shepherding or watching over a flock. A good shepherd loves his sheep. Jesus, of course, is the perfect shepherd.

Every leader follows someone or something. The question is, "Who or what are we following?" Fortunately, the Good Shepherd modeled exemplary leadership and offers us the opportunity as leaders to follow Him.

Will you join me this week?


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder