I am tired! Recent medical issues coupled with much international travel and ministry have left me spent in body, mind and spirit. Both my human inclinations and my personality dictate that I press on into my many responsibilities, ignoring my need for rest. The wise words of a friend spoke to me…"Stop, Bob, retreat, pray, listen…don't do more." Frenetic activity usually is a flawed path in the midst of fatigue.

Jesus modeled for me the way to function during times of stress and need. After feeding 5,000 people and before teaching his disciples rich lessons about faith in the midst of a storm, Jesus went off to be alone with his Father,

  After he had dismissed them, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. (Matthew 14:23 NIV) 

Creativity, insight, answers communicated through the Holy Spirit are only available in the quiet of solitude that I so frequently avoid.

Are you like me? Tired and worn out? Join me in seeing the refreshment God wants to provide, available only through escaping alone with Him.


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder