"You are so smart when it comes to things that aren't important." These words spoken by the wife of a friend made me wonder where this might apply to me. Many things interest me. But some are not worthy of the time they consume.

So how do I decide what is important and unimportant? Leo Tolstoy wrote a short story, THE THREE QUESTIONS. In this story, a king travels incognito around his kingdom asking how to decipher the important from the unimportant. In this story a hermit provided the answers. Might there be an even better source than the hermit?

I have found God and His Word to be a reliable source.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV) 

So are the things that are important to me important to God? Or am I asking the wrong question? Shouldn't I be asking, "Are the things that are important to God important to me?"

Will you join me this week in going to God and His Word to sort out what is important?


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder