Swerve or hit the rabbit? While driving, my daughter made a decision. No time for a vote. No time for deliberation. Fortunately, she decided not to swerve. To her delight the rabbit scampered off. I often treated those who chose to swerve in the emergency department.

I had just finished medical rounds during my residency. My group sat with our attending physician chatting and drinking coffee. Our discussion: faith vs. science. The attending physician asserted that all the answers to life could be found in science. I remained silent; my split – second decision was made. A fellow resident later expressed surprise at my silence. She thought I would have disagreed. My silence suggested otherwise. A split-second decision was poorly chosen.

The apostle Peter, during the trial of Jesus had 3 split-second chances to identify with Jesus but chose otherwise. (John 18:15-27) His grief and repentance, however, led him straight back to Jesus. We all experience split-second decisions that will impact us or others.

In the emergency room split-second decisions are not random events. They result from years of training and experience. The same is true for us all. Sometimes our decisions reveal our character. I certainly revealed my character in the discussion with my attending physician.

Are we ready for the decisions of tomorrow? Are our hearts and minds prepared for the moral and spiritual split-second decisions we will make?

"If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26)


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder