The world has always told me to strive. I listened. I studied hard through years of education and I have worked diligently all my life. Even the church encourages me to strive – in Bible reading, prayer and service. These are all good things. Yet striving in itself never ends well.
Jesus offers a different way… surrender instead of striving. In myself, I know no other way than to work harder. But, Jesus offers me life fully in Him. I used to think that surrender to God meant giving up, implying even a laziness. But the opposite is true. A life of surrender to Jesus is a life fully equipped by Him. This is not a passive life. This is an empowered life.
In the hymn, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Martin Luther wrote,
"Did we in our own strength confide,
our striving would be losing . . . "
Oh, that I might not waste myself striving in my own strength but rather surrender to Jesus who wants to work in and through me. Join me this week in sweet surrender.
Sharing the journey with you,
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