While living in Hungary, through an amazing set of circumstances, the President of Hungary made himself available for a 30 minute one-on-one appointment with me. Obviously I made myself available. What could have been more important in my regular schedule than a visit with the President?

Interestingly, the Creator of the Universe, the Eternal God, has made Himself available to me 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Yet I am often preoccupied with lesser activities instead of availing myself to His offer – His presence, His attentive ear, and His guidance. How sad that I would ignore so great an opportunity.

Repeatedly, Jesus said to those who would follow Him, “…come…”.  (Mark 1:17) 

He has made Himself available. Will you join me this week in availing ourselves to the wonder of God’s Presence? We don’t need to make an appointment.


Sharing the journey with you,

Bob Snyder